Who Are The Taliban? : Rise Of The Taliban From Afghan Chaos :

[starttext]Taliban was formed by the Mujahideen who fought Soviet in 70s and 80s, Taliban was formed to bring peace in Afghanistan due to the choas caused by the heavy armed warlords.
In 2001 before the invasion of Afghanistan the media had demonized Taliban and then attacked, they had the support of the local people but they never realised that an Army that has never been defeated before by any invading forces was not as easy as making the tax payers pay for the war.. now that people are jobeless in America and they have realised that strength can not make them win the war, America and Nato forces are 4 times out numbered from Taliban .. yet they are not even close to winning the war and day by day American and Nato forces are dying.
After 8 years america is now thinking to talk to Taliban .. bribe them and lure them to drop weapons but it will never happen, they are talking about pulling out now.. OSAMA, And winning the WAR is not discussed any more.. and this is the current portrayal of Taliban on American MEDIA.. 8 years did make a difference.[endtext]

3 komentar:

jaya mengatakan...

thanks infonya..... salam super

H2H Murah mengatakan...

wah perang ne, ngeri juga lihat na he he, thanks SEO Bing

Al Fajr mengatakan...


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